Saturday, October 23, 2010

rodarte warrior

So, yesterday I did another one of these fashion-y inspired things, and took a look from Rodarte and made it into an Irish Warrior Princess. Or something.

Whatever it is, I like it! My inspiration for this was Brave, formerly known as The Bear and the Bow, formerly known as the first female directed/female oriented film Pixar was going to release, until they booted Brenda Chapman off the production. This is really depressing news to me...among the sea of sequels Pixar is now releasing, this was the only film I was actually looking forward to. As a person of the female persuasion who also wants to direct someday, this is very disheartening. Sigh.

On a lighter note: when I was searching "celtic crowns" to find visual inspiration for the little thing she's wearing on her head, pretty much all that came up were bride websites for people obsessed with Renaissance Faires and Lord of the Rings. Kind of amazing.

Friday, October 22, 2010

chanel succubus

So, I'm starting a new blog...woohoo. I've been looking at the SS2010 collections lately, and as usual, I love love love Chanel. Even when it's quirky and weird, it still has this classic vibe that makes me think of princesses...and monsters, apparently. Because I drew this:

My dad said, "Hey, I like that Victorian vampire you're drawing!" It's not Victorian OR a vampire, Dad. Jeez. Clearly it is a succubus, which, according to wikipedia, is "a female demon who takes the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through sexual intercourse." Chanel, demon, sexual all makes sense, really.

Now I want to go through all of my favorite SS2010 looks and put them in different contexts. I think that's what I love about fashion so much--they're like costumes that are portals to different worlds. I can put on an outfit to make me feel like anyone or anything in the world. Does that make sense? I hope so.