Sunday, April 3, 2011

high school

Now that I have all of this free time and I don't have classes that force me to be motivated, I'm trying to work on more of my own creative projects. The project I'm feeling most connected to right now is something based on my life in high school. A huge part of high school for me was discovering music that has really ~changed my life.~ I know that sounds cheesy and Garden State-esque, but my life really hasn't been the same since I found indie music, and the music I was discovering back then defined those years for me. I often find that music can get me into the right emotional mindset for whatever I'm writing, so I made a mix of the music that affected me most during high school. A couple of the songs are from early, early on in college, but eh...close enough. I thought I'd share it--I dunno, maybe it'll remind you of those weird high school years too. Anyway, download and enjoy.

download here

I also made a lot of short movies for fun when I was in high school. (What happened to my enthusiasm for making my own movies??? Damn.) This is one of them - I just brought my camera to school one day, and my friend and I shot a ton of random footage of my friends and I hanging out during a free period.

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